Mabel Lee

To prepare for Lent, I would take the 40 Days to: 1) Read and meditate more on the spiritual readings, such as the Gospel, and many more books as recommended by others. Hope to focus on the teachings of Jesus, his Passion, and also various individuals characters who...

Amy Law

I enjoy watching FLL’s TV episodes because many of the witness story touched me, and let me know that we’re not alone, we share similar struggles and challenges on our faith journey, yet God is always with us and helping us. We didn’t imagine things...

Mimi Wong

十分感謝生命恩泉各位神師及義工, 您們無私,無怨的付出使我每天更加認識天主。 每次到書舍, 都受到義工的熱情接待及幫忙, 我知道有些義工是住在Waterloo 呢! 當看到網頁不停地更新, 可想而知有一群人每天努力地工作同付出。在您們的身上, 我看見了基督!...