I had a mistaken belief that my house is built on rocks as it stands fine in nice weather. Until storm comes when I realised that it was in fact built on sand. Hence, thank God for my life’s adversities, when I will have a deep reflection on my relationship with my neighbours and with God.
Lord, please give me strength and courage to face the crises ahead ~ that my house can be built on rock one day!
“I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ” (Colossians 2:24). Small things – even our sufferings – when performed with love and faith can be a powerful weapon for spreading the gospel. Here’s a touching story (abbreviated) from Fr. George Montague, contributing author of Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: “I once met a retired Jesuit at a retreat house. I had earlier noticed that he limped, the result of a stroke. When I had the occasion to sit next to him at table, I asked, with the naivete of a busy young priest, “And what do you do now, Father?” His firm, unabashed reply astounded and confounded me: “I say my prayers, and I wait.”
I try to practice what I believe although sometime people might misunderstood me. I try to love my neighbor today. My immediate family by doing a kind deed.
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Thank you for reminding me the God’s words.
天主,你的聖言太遙遠,也太深懊。 「懷大愛,做小事」,「愛你的近人」,「寬恕七百七十七次」等等。好似簡單,除了盡力去做,真不知道是否己合你的旨意。
天主, 好多謝祢時時提醒我 要實行我相信的,但有時因為自己信心不夠和勇氣不足 另自己有所窒步。求祢助我學習聖德蘭修女講的說話以大愛做小事情。求祢賜予我 信德和勇氣去實踐祢的旨意。亞孟。
I had a mistaken belief that my house is built on rocks as it stands fine in nice weather. Until storm comes when I realised that it was in fact built on sand. Hence, thank God for my life’s adversities, when I will have a deep reflection on my relationship with my neighbours and with God.
Lord, please give me strength and courage to face the crises ahead ~ that my house can be built on rock one day!
主,感謝你親自來到人間與我們同在,讓我們接觸到你的話語。求賜我深入你的話語。我樂於努力實踐你的話語。需要不是做足100分,但主你知道我的有限。你看人不看外貌而看人心! 主,我讚美你,稱揚你的聖名!
種子落在士地是需要陽光☀️水和空氣來使它繁植结果。而我們的心田是靠天主聖言滋潤拙壯成長才能结果,即是要與天主合作,要放下自我,放下世俗的焦慮迷惑,好好地將祂的教導生活出來。??主 我明白的,請左右我在這心田能見到果實????
“I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ” (Colossians 2:24). Small things – even our sufferings – when performed with love and faith can be a powerful weapon for spreading the gospel. Here’s a touching story (abbreviated) from Fr. George Montague, contributing author of Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: “I once met a retired Jesuit at a retreat house. I had earlier noticed that he limped, the result of a stroke. When I had the occasion to sit next to him at table, I asked, with the naivete of a busy young priest, “And what do you do now, Father?” His firm, unabashed reply astounded and confounded me: “I say my prayers, and I wait.”
Thanks for sharing! “I say my prayers, And I wait” So simple but yet so powerful and enlightening.
感謝主,讓我看到不足, 心裡頑強石頭阻礙,因周邊人/事好複雜, 我知道應放下呢d 魔鬼, 去改善, 努力中, 愛主愛人。
天主父,求祢繼續派遣聖神扶持我的軟弱並帶領我每天按著主耶穌基督的教導而生活,好使我的心靈得到更新和結出果實。 祈禱奉主耶穌基督聖名求。亞孟!
天主,求你賜我力量按照你的旨意生活,並多做能夠彰顯主的善事。 阿孟。
主耶穌: 請帶領我走向至善的方向,懷著大愛做小事。
thank you God.
I try to practice what I believe although sometime people might misunderstood me. I try to love my neighbor today. My immediate family by doing a kind deed.