


以上 iTunes & Google Play Music 僅適用於四旬期內。
iTunes & Google Play Music are only available in Lent.

第三處 耶穌第一次跌倒

主,基督,我們欽祟祢,讚美祢﹐ (單膝跪下)

因為祢藉著這十字聖架,救贖了普世。 (起立)


To purchase the entire text of Mary’s Way of the Cross, please visit www.twentythirdpublications.com/stofcrboforw.html.

NOTE: Quotations/Prayers from Richard Furey taken from Mary’s Way of the Cross, by Richard Furey, published by Twenty-Third Publications. Used with permission.誦唱


說明: 聖子高懸. Stabat Mater. At the cross her stations keeping,為一首封齋期聖樂﹐華人天主教會使用於封齋期彌撒及拜苦路。基督新教的聖公會路德宗等保守宗派 (翻譯為聖母哀傷或瑪利亞哀悼) 則使用於受難周的禮拜。歌詞內容以聖母瑪利亞的角度﹐去弔唁耶穌基督的死亡﹐教徒藉由誦唱並追隨聖母瑪利亞默想耶穌的受難。

Creative Commons Jesus falls the first time by Damian Gadal is licensed under CC BY 2.0






The Meaning of His Fall

Jesus’ fall beneath the Cross is not just the fall of the man Jesus, exhausted from his scourging. There is a more profound meaning in this fall, as Paul tells us in the Letter to the Philippians: “though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men… He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a Cross” (Phil 2:6-8). In Jesus’s fall beneath the weight of the Cross, the meaning of his whole life is seen: his voluntary abasement [humiliation], which lifts us up from the depths of our pride. The nature of our pride is also revealed: it is that arrogance which makes us want to be liberated from God and left alone to ourselves, the arrogance which makes us think that we do not need his eternal love, but can be the masters of our own lives. In this rebellion against truth, in this attempt to be our own god, creator and judge, we fall and plunge into self-destruction. The humility of Jesus is the surmounting of our pride; by his abasement [humiliation] he lifts us up. Let us allow him to lift us up. Let us strip away our sense of self-sufficiency, our false illusions of independence, and learn from him, the One who humbled himself, to discover our true greatness by bending low before God and before our downtrodden brothers and sisters.

[Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Via Crucis, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2005]




以上 iTunes & Google Play Music 仅适用于四旬期内。
iTunes & Google Play Music are only available in Lent.





To purchase the entire text of Mary’s Way of the Cross, please visit www.twentythirdpublications.com/stofcrboforw.html.

NOTE: Quotations/Prayers from Richard Furey taken from Mary’s Way of the Cross, by Richard Furey, published by Twenty-Third Publications. Used with permission.


说明:圣子高悬。 Stabat Mater。 在她的站点保持,为一首封斋期圣乐,华人天主教会使用于封斋期弥撒及拜苦路。基督新教的圣公会路德宗等保守宗派(翻译为圣母哀伤或玛利亚哀悼)则使用于受难周的礼拜。歌词内容以圣母玛利亚的角度,去吊唁耶稣基督的死亡,教徒藉由诵唱并追随圣母玛利亚默想耶稣的受难。

Creative Commons Jesus falls the first time by Damian Gadal is licensed under CC BY 2.0






The Meaning of His Fall

Jesus’ fall beneath the Cross is not just the fall of the man Jesus, exhausted from his scourging. There is a more profound meaning in this fall, as Paul tells us in the Letter to the Philippians: “though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men… He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a Cross” (Phil 2:6-8). In Jesus’s fall beneath the weight of the Cross, the meaning of his whole life is seen: his voluntary abasement [humiliation], which lifts us up from the depths of our pride. The nature of our pride is also revealed: it is that arrogance which makes us want to be liberated from God and left alone to ourselves, the arrogance which makes us think that we do not need his eternal love, but can be the masters of our own lives. In this rebellion against truth, in this attempt to be our own god, creator and judge, we fall and plunge into self-destruction. The humility of Jesus is the surmounting of our pride; by his abasement [humiliation] he lifts us up. Let us allow him to lift us up. Let us strip away our sense of self-sufficiency, our false illusions of independence, and learn from him, the One who humbled himself, to discover our true greatness by bending low before God and before our downtrodden brothers and sisters.

[Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Via Crucis, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2005]
