Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God

Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God

Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God EnglishCantoneseMandarin To achieve “order” in life, one must seek appropriate “priorities”. In yesterday’s reflection, we learned how to prioritize our lives through the words and examples of God the Father, Jesus, and...
Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God

Day 33 – True Spirit of Service

Day 33 – True Spirit of Service EnglishCantoneseMandarin There is only one goal in Jesus’ life: the object is the Father and His mission is to fulfil His Father’s will. Indeed, life is not that complicated; Christ, living for this one goal, freely lets go of all...
Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God

Day 32 – Sitting at the Lord’s Feet

Day 32 – Sitting at the Lord’s Feet EnglishCantoneseMandarin It is not surprising that God’s intervention in our lives requires us to make way.  In addition to sweeping away our original plans and preferences, we also need to give up our time and will; offering...
Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God

Day 31 – The Cornerstone of Our Life

Day 31 – The Cornerstone of Our Life EnglishMandarinCantonese Stephen Covey, a well-known American management guru, once did a demonstration during a business class. He started to drop a handful of rocks of various sizes about the size of a fist, one by one,...
Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God

Day 30 – One Necessary Thing

Day 30 – One Necessary Thing EnglishCantoneseMandarin Before we know it, our retreat has arrived at Day 30, launching into its third part – the “Cornerstone of Our Lives”. In part two, the theme of “Priorities in Life” may have shocked you: Does it mean...
Day 34 – Keep Receiving the Gift of God

Day 29 – Holy Indifference

Day 29 – Holy Indifference EnglishCantoneseMandarin The reflection on Day 27 focuses on God’s “everlasting promise” to us; one that empowers us to respond to God and God’s gift of life to us with an “unfading desire”.  The reflection on Day 28 examines how our...