
Select today's reflection link

Day 40 – The Perfect Image of Christ

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 According to the Gospel of John, the first question Jesus asked when He began His ministry was "What are you looking for?" (John 1:38). After Jesus died and resurrected, He said to...

Day 39 – Holding On, Letting Go

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Today, we, together with the universal church, remember with a heavy heart how our Lord Jesus Christ willingly walked a path of betrayal and extreme humiliation, and was nailed to...

Day 38 – No Holding Back

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 We need to acknowledge that we are easily deceived, especially by ourselves. For example, we are easily deceived by our own "outward behaviour." As we were growing up, for...

Day 37 – A Hardened Heart Is a Withered Heart

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Some of you may feel a little uneasy when following this retreat, and may think that you are not as bad as described in the contents of the retreat. "I am not that stubborn, not...

Day 36 – A Hardened Heart

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 "Feeling thirsty" is a state of being "unsatisfied", a state of "waiting", and a "signal" to us to take action to quench our thirst. No matter how difficult the action may be, it...

Day 35 – An Unquestioning Heart

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 We have officially entered the Holy Week and also the final phase of our Lenten retreat. Whether you have been accompanying us for the past 34 days of the retreat or have just...

Day 34 – The Price Of Freedom

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 As we are about to enter the Holy Week - the holiest time of the year, let us prepare ourselves so that we will be in the best spiritual state and have the most awakened heart to...

Day 33 – Determining the Anchor of Our Lives

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Our life is a continuous process of seeking, and depending on the goals we pursue, we will have different desires. As we age and go through different stages in life, our goals also...

Day 32 – Who Is Most Dependable?

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 The most important inspiration from yesterday's reflection is that even if we encounter great challenges and obstacles in our lives, they will not lead us to a dead end because God...

Day 31 – The Key to Abundant Life

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 The key point of yesterday’s retreat was that if we don't want to be weighed down by the endless desires in our lives, we need to prioritize our desires. The key is to put our...

Day 30 – Reprioritize Our Desires

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Everyone has different needs in life. It is natural and normal to have desires for what we need, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, the more desires a person has, the...

Day 29 – Leaving Behind the Water Jar

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Everyone must have had this painful experience before, that is when the person you love doesn't understand you —— doesn't understand your pain, your difficulties, your feelings,...

Day 28 – Love Makes Us Qualified

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Although we know that we shouldn't make any more excuses and turn down God's invitation, there may still be fear in our heart.  It is normal in our human nature to feel frightened,...

Day 27 – “Unworthy” Excuses

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 In yesterday's reflection, we asked if the concept of the "perfect father-son team" resonated with you. We believe that many of you may not have been able to relate to it, as you...

Day 26 – I Am Not a Nobody

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Yesterday, we talked about the "perfect father-son team." Does it resonate with you in any way? Do you think that this perfect team could only describe the relationship between the...

Day 25 – The Perfect Father-Son Team

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 In today’s Gospel, from the dialogue between Jesus and the Jews who wanted to kill Him, we learn about how Jesus related to and interacted with His Father, as described in the...

Day 24 – Master, Where Are You Staying?

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say...

Day 23 – Self-imposed Barricades

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 In this retreat a few days ago, it was mentioned that our Heavenly Father doesn’t want to let go of us. No matter how much we want to forsake Him, He still desires to be with us....

Day 22 – A Fatal Attitude

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 In yesterday's reflection, we started to look into the future positively and anticipate opening a new chapter in our lives. However, in this process, there are still many...

Day 21 – Winning at the Starting Line

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 At the blink of an eye, we are already on the 21st day of Lent, which also marks the beginning of the second half of the Lenten season. Thank you for your continued participation...

Day 20 – A Violin Beyond Price

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 In the previous days of this retreat, we have repeatedly emphasized the importance of meeting God, who is waiting for us in the wilderness, to quench our spiritual thirst. In fact,...

Day 19 – His Unspeakable Dilemma

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Do you think God thirsts for you more, or do you thirst for Him more? Does God love you more, or do you love Him more? For most people, this is a very difficult question to answer....

Day 18 – The Encounter at the Well

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 No one has ever truly understood you in your entire life - the pains and sufferings you have experienced, the heavy burdens you carry, the many difficulties you face, the sense of...

Day 17 – Hide and Seek

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 In the past few days, we have been talking about entering the wilderness to meet with God. You may wonder: there are so many better places to choose from, why do we have to...

Day 16 – A Twofold Thirst

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Can you imagine what it feels like to wait for your loved one in the wilderness? Have you ever imagined that from the moment you were conceived in your mother's womb until now, the...

Day 15 – The One Awaiting in the Wilderness

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 At our baptism and confirmation, we were consecrated. This "consecration" means that we are chosen, set apart by God and for God to fulfill the special mission that He entrusted to...

Day 14 – The Courage to Enter the Wilderness

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Yesterday we mentioned that we need to "enter the wilderness" regularly in order to quiet ourselves and listen to God's message. We need to make space for sorting out our lives,...

Day 13 – Remaining Awake

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 If we want to be able to discover the true meaning of life, discern the personal mission that God has entrusted to us, or simply hope to live well at the present time, "staying...

Day 12 – The Path Love Chose

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 Have you ever wondered why Jesus entered the wilderness and fasted for forty days and forty nights, and then faced temptation from the devil? What was Jesus' state of mind when He...

Day 11 – The Invisible Pandemic

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。 In previous reflections, it was mentioned that the state of "I thirst" has become a "pandemic" in our world. Today, let us deepen our understanding of this state of "I thirst". In...

Day 10 – The Evidence of Love

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。   In our reflection yesterday, we realized that our deepest yearning comes from God. It is the yearning for a mutual relationship between God and humans. This yearning is like a...

Day 9 – The Lifeline of Love

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。   On this Friday, let us commemorate and meditate again on the passion of Jesus through praying, fasting, and the Way of the Cross.  We also invite everyone to encounter our Lord...

Day 8 – A Season to Give

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。   In yesterday's reflection, it was mentioned that performing acts of love is not our Catholic strength. Some of us may disagree. Isn't the Catholic Church the largest charitable...

Day 7 – The Master of Time

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。   When speaking of Lent, for most believers, what stands out in our minds are the practices of repentance and prayer, fasting and self-denial. These long-lasting traditions in the...

Day 6 – Commissioned to Love

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。     The "Five-Loaves-and-Two-Fishes Moments" concept introduced in the past five days of reflection focuses on whether we can extend from self-centeredness to caring for the needs...

Day 5 – Outreach Within Reach

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。     Yesterday, we celebrated the first Sunday of Lent. In the Gospel, there is a recount of Jesus being led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He had...

Day 4 – The Wounded Healer

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。     The day when Jesus called Levi, the tax collector, the Pharisees and their scribes were complaining to His disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and...

Day 3 – The Power of Multiplication

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。     We commemorate the Lord’s Passion on Fridays.  Let us fast and pray, today, with a pious and reverent heart, and meet Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.  We hope you did have a...

Day 2 – A Candle Flame

無論我們是否意識得到,我們或多或少都受了傷。我們的思想、內心和靈魂都背負著沉重的負擔、未被滿足的需要、以及對未來的焦慮等等。「我渴」這種狀態在現今世代已經成為一種「流行病」。     Yesterday, we brought up the concept of the “Five-Loaves-and-Two-Fishes Moments”, how God desires us to collaborate with Him and how He multiplies those contributions which may...

Day 1 – Five-Loaves-and-Two-Fishes (5L2F) Moments

We are all wounded, in big or small ways, whether we are aware of them or not. We all carry in our minds, hearts and souls heavy burdens, unmet needs, anxieties about what the future holds, and so forth. The condition of “I thirst” has become an “epidemic” in the...