Farmer of Hearts – Feedback
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Week 7 in Review
Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! Congratulations, you have successfully completed this 40-Day Lenten Retreat! What an accomplishment! Let us all give thanks to God for His abundant blessings! Just as we had remembered Jesus as He was tempted by the Devil...
Day 40 Wait for the “waiter”…
Day 40 (Apr 11)- Wait for the "waiter"... Day 40 (Apr 11)Wait for the "waiter"Am I drawing water from the true fountain?Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)Whether we realize it or not, prayer is the encounter of God's thirst with ours....
Day 39 Bottomless Love
Day 39 (Apr 10)- Bottomless LoveDay 39 (Apr 10)Bottomless LoveDo you know how much God loves you?Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)Jesus said, "I thirst." Can you imagine yourself being the creator of your own world: You have given freedom...
Day 38 The Antenna of My Heart
Day 38 (Apr 9)- The Antenna of My HeartDay 38 (Apr 9)The Antenna of My HeartHow can I accurately discern God’s will in my life?Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)“Our concern must be to know God’s will. We must enter that path: if God wants,...
Day 37 The Secrets of Mary
Day 37 (Apr 8)- The Secrets of MaryDay 37 (Apr 8)The Secrets of MaryAm I still lost and confused in following God's invitationsand prompts in life?Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)“The word of God ought to be the central organizing...
Day 36 The Witness of Mary
Day 36 (Apr 7)- The Witness of MaryDay 36 (Apr 7)The Witness of MaryHave I been fearful when God calls on me?Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)"Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." The Story of...
Day 35 The Witness of Simon Peter
Day 35 (Apr 6)- The Witness of Simon PeterDay 35 (Apr 6)The Witness of Simon PeterDo I have the courage to face Jesus?Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)“Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” On Day 33, we mentioned Simon Peter...
Day 34 The Storyteller becomes the Story
Day 34 (Apr 4)- The Storyteller becomes the StoryDay 34 (Apr 4)The Storyteller becomes the StoryThe Greatest Love Story Ever ToldAudio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)“In spreading the Gospel, we can't simply be a storyteller, we ought to...
Week 6 in Review
Congratulations, you have completed Week Six of this 40-Day Lenten Retreat! Before we know it, we have already entered the Holy Week! May we be united with the suffering Christ, ponder on His unreserved love and reflect deeply on how we should respond to Him. The...
Day 33 GOOD NEWS: For God, nothing is impossible!
Day 33 (Apr 3)- GOOD NEWS: For God, nothing is impossible!Day 33 (Apr 3)GOOD NEWS: For God, nothing is impossible!God doesn't call the qualified but qualifies the called. Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)"God chose the foolish of the...
Day 32 Imbalanced relationship
Day 32 (Apr 2)- Imbalanced relationshipDay 32 (Apr 2)Imbalanced relationship Do you know how important you are to God?Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)Audio in English (Coming Soon)"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Yesterday (Day 31), we reached an...
Day 31 Sowers wanted!
Day 31 (Apr1)- Sowers wanted!Day 31 (Apr 1)Sowers wanted!Will you respond to the call of the master of the harvest and become one of his laborers (cf. Matthew 9:37-38)?Audio in English (Coming Soon)“The fruitfulness of lay ministries depends on their living union with...
Day 30 We Plant and Water, God Gives the Growth
Day 30 (Mar 31)- We Plant and Water, God Gives the GrowthDay 30 (Mar 31)We Plant and Water, God Gives the GrowthAre you able to share the Christian faith with love and humility? Audio in English (Coming Soon)"Pride does its own will; humility does the will of God....
Week 5 in Review
A marathon journey towards God Congratulations, you have completed Week Five of this 40-Day Lenten Retreat! Regardless of how much we have grown through this retreat, we should all give thanks to God for granting us the perseverance to run this “mini-marathon”...
Day 29 My cup overflows
Day 29 (Mar 30) - My cup overflowsDay 29 (Mar 30)My cup overflowsHave I really encountered Jesus?Audio in English (Coming Soon)Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony.If we remain in Christ, and fully immerse ourselves in...
Day 28 I am Yours, You are mine
Day 28 (Mar 28)- I am Yours, You are mineDay 28 (Mar 28)I am Yours, You are mineWould you receive Jesus and let Him live in you and you in Him? Audio in English (Coming Soon)“But to all who received him, he gave power to become children of God.”To receive the Word is...
Day 27 Train yourself for devotion
Day 27 (Mar 27)- Train yourself for devotionDay 27 (Mar 27)Train yourself for devotionAre you an “athlete of Christ” who trains regularly for devotion?Audio in English (Coming Soon) “Nothing we take seriously is unaccompanied by discipline.” Faith is about...
Day 26 Pruning and Cutting Away
Day 26 (Mar 26)- Pruning and Cutting Away Day 26 (Mar 26)Pruning and Cutting Away Will you take up your cross and follow me?Audio in English (Coming Soon)Audio in Mandarin (Coming Soon)“We ascend to God by accompanying him on this descending path.” As we continue to...
Day 25 A Fertile Vineyard That Yielded Wild Grapes
Day 25 (Mar 25) - A Fertile Vineyard That Yielded Wild Grapes Day 25 (Mar 25) A Fertile Vineyard That Yielded Wild Grapes How Are the Vines Growing in the Vineyard of Your Heart? Audio in English (Coming Soon)“The Son of God became the Son of Man so that the sons of...
Day 24 Be Fruitful and Multiply
Day 24 (Mar 24)- Be Fruitful and MultiplyDay 24 (Mar 24)Be Fruitful and MultiplyHow can you be fruitful if Jesus is not in you and you in Him?Audio in English (Coming Soon)“Give what you command and command what you will.”What must we do to let the seed sown by God...
Day 23 Hearers vs. Doers
Day 23 (Mar 23)- Hearers vs. DoersDay 23 (Mar 23)Hearers vs. DoersAm I constantly working on bearing fruits?Audio in English (Coming Soon)“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.”We are gifted...
Week 4 in Review
Congratulations, you have completed Week Four of this 40-Day Lenten Retreat! As we rejoice in His blessings of this past week and prepare ourselves for this Fourth Sunday of Lent, let us again select the finest fruits to be offered back to Him for His greater glory,...
Day 22 Bearing fruits
Day 22 (Mar 21)- Bearing fruitsDay 22 (Mar 21)Bearing fruitsAm I also bearing fruits?Audio in English (Coming Soon)“The seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”When...
Day 21 Battle of the Two Forces
Day 21 (Mar 20)- Battle of the Two ForcesDay 21 (Mar 20)Battle of the Two ForcesWhere is your heart?Audio in English (Coming Soon)“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.”As we continue to...
Day 20 The Better Part
Day 20 (Mar 19)- The Better PartDay 20 (Mar 19)The Better PartWhat is the “better part” in life and how do you choose it?Audio in English (Coming Soon)“There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part andit will not be taken from her.”Jesus said this...
Day 19 Don’t worry
Day 19 (Mar 18) - Don't worryDay 19 (Mar 18)Don't worryWhat kinds of worries or cares are you facing today?Audio in English (Coming Soon)“Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.”Jesus said “worldly...
Day 18 Thorns that Choke
Day 18 (Mar 17)- Thorns that ChokeDay 18 (Mar 17)Thorns that ChokeWhat is choking God's presence in your life? Audio in English (Coming Soon)“Uproot from that garden the stinking weeds filled with impurity and avarice, and bloated with pride.”In Jesus' parable...
Day 17 Persevering in Our Relationship with God
Day 17 (Mar 16)- Persevering in Our Relationship with GodDay 17 (Mar 16)Persevering in Our Relationship with GodAre you staying or leaving?“If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect...
Week 3 in Review
Congratulations, you have completed Week Three of this 40-Day Lenten Retreat! Again, let's welcome those who just joined us this week. We have all worked hard for the past 6 days, let us give ourselves a pat on our backs, rejoice and be glad as we celebrate the fruits...
Day 16 (Mar 14) Take root in Our Father’s love
Day 16 (Mar 14)- Take root in Our Father's loveDay 16 (Mar 14)Take root in Our Father's loveImagine a tree with no roots, how can it sustain its upward growth?“God loves each of us as if there is only one of us.”“Some (seeds) fell on rocky ground, where it had...
Day 15 (Mar 13) Let God Make All Things New
Day 15 (Mar 13)- Let God Make All Things NewDay 15 (Mar 13)Let God Make All Things NewAre you ready to let go and be transformed?“A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from you the heart of stone and give you a heart of...
Day 14 From Leap of Joy to Leap of Faith
Day 14 (Mar 12)- From Leap of Joy to Leap of FaithDay 14 (Mar 12)From Leap of Joy to Leap of FaithLord, help me see myself as you see me.“Oh my God… I beg You to answer me when I say humbly: what is Truth? Make me see things as they really are.”The second scenario in...
Day 13 The Prodigal Son
Day 13 (Mar 11)- The Prodigal SonDay 13 (Mar 11) The Prodigal SonCome back to me with all your heart. “The seed sown on the path is the one who hears the word of the kingdom without understanding it, and the evil one comes and steals away what was sown in his heart.”...
Day 12 Who’s the boss?
Day 12 (Mar 10) - Who's the boss? Day 12 (Mar 10) Who's the boss? Who is the master of my life? “Indifference is farther from the love of God than hatred of God is.” We talked about diversion yesterday, which is one of the two most successful weapons that the devil...
Day 11 Fatal Busyness
Day 11 (Mar 9)- Fatal Busyness Day 11 (Mar 9)Fatal BusynessAm I using busyness as an excuse?"Being unable to cure death, wretchedness and ignorance, men have decided, in order to be happy, not to think about such things."In the Parable of the Sower, the seed that fell...
Week 2 in Review
WEEK 2 in REVIEW The following table highlights the process of our Week 2 Retreat - our awareness and the required actions. Please take time to review and to further reflect on what you need to know and to work on. (Please note that you may also revisit Week 1 in...
Day 10 Faith Seeking Understanding
Day 10 (Mar 7)- Faith Seeking Understanding Day 10 (Mar 7)Faith Seeking UnderstandingAre you only going to believe when you understand?“Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.”The first scenario in the Parable of the Sower is...
Day 9 “Who do you think that I am?”
Day 9 (Mar 6)- “Who do you think that I am?” Day 9 (Mar 6)“Who do you think that I am?” Yes, I do. “I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”Today, we face the most...
Day 7 The Lavish Sower
Day 7 (Mar 4) - The Lavish SowerDay 7 (Mar 4)The Lavish SowerDo you truly believe God loves you? English audio reflection is coming soon.“God's love for his people is so great that it turns God against himself, his love against his justice.”In the Parable of the...
Day 8 Making Intentional Choices
Day 8 (Mar 5)- Making Intentional ChoicesDay 8 (Mar 5)Making Intentional ChoicesWhat would you choose?“We cannot have it both ways; if we are free, we are responsible; if we are not responsible, we are not free.”To be able to make choices freely is God's great...
Day 6 Power of a Wide-open Heart
Day 6 (Mar 3) - Power of a Wide-open HeartDay 6 (Mar 3)Power of a Wide-open HeartAre you suffering from a hardened heartand numbness of your spirit?“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”The kingdom's mysteries are unfolded...
Week 1 in Review
Week 1 in Review The following table highlights the process of our Week 1 Retreat - our awareness and the required actions. Please take time to review and to further reflect on what you need to know and to work on. Steps Awareness Actions 1 I need a Destination: If I...
Day 5 What are the seeds?
Day 5 (Mar 2) - What are the seeds?Day 5 (Mar 2)What are the seeds?On the Cross, Jesus said, “I thirst.”“Keep in mind that Jesus Himself, in person, is the seed sown. Jesus is the Logos that wants to take root in us.”What are the seeds? All of us know the seeds are...
Day 4 Conditions of the Garden of my Heart
Day 4 (Feb 29)- Conditions of the Garden of my HeartDay 4 (Feb 29)Conditions of the Garden of my HeartWhere is your weakest link?“We will not understand God's Word until we are prepared to understand it.”The Parable of the Sower is also known as the Parable of the...
Day 3 Members only?
Day 3 (Feb 28) Members only?Day 3 (Feb 28)Members only?Are Jesus' words for members only?“Salvation is free, but discipleship costs everything we have.”The disciples asked Jesus why he spoke to the crowd in parables. Jesus' answer sounds puzzling:Matthew...
Day 2 The Temporal vs. The Everlasting
Day 2 (Feb 27) The Temporal vs. The EverlastingDay 2 (Feb 27)The Temporal vs. The EverlastingWhat captivates you? The temporal or the everlasting?"God created us without us: but he did not will to save us without us." Many of us love watching movies. We enjoy being...
Day 1 Final Destination
Day 1 (Feb 26) Final DestinationWhat would you like to achieve in these 40 days?Who would you like to be at the end of your life?“What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”Determination holds the key to receiving abundant graces from...