Day 3 – The Depth of the Father's Love




Yesterday, we talked about how Jesus handled the complaint of the Pharisees and the scribes. He responded by telling them three parables in a row, emphasizing the importance of the message He was trying to get across —— that is, our compassionate Heavenly Father loves all sinners to such an extreme extent that He would take incomprehensible or even irrational actions by human standard to seek, to accept, and to forgive all those who have offended Him. The Father does not take pleasure in simply pursuing "a recovery of the loss" for its own sake. Instead, it is His deepest desire that all His children would wake up from their slumber, return to the Father's love, and receive the best of all the blessings the Father has prepared for them! The Father has no self-serving motives nor does He play favourites among His children. Jesus patiently used the three parables to reveal His Father's Heart so that we would realize the depth of His love for us. This realization awakens in us the need to respond to Him.

We should pay special attention to the inter-relationship among the three parables. First, we should notice that the "loss ratio" illustrated in the three parables progresses from 1 percent, to 10 percent, to 50 percent. Another point worth noting is the progression in the intrinsic value of the loss, from a lost sheep, to a lost silver coin, to a lost child. This serves as a reminder to us that no matter how insignificant we think we are, in the eyes of the Father, we are of utmost importance to Him. We are precious, His beloved ones, and each of us matters to Him! This is the Father's Heart. That explains why the moment we are found, it brings Him exuberant joy beyond measure, which is so out of proportion by human standard!

This also reveals the difference between our Heavenly Father’s perspective and our secular perspective. It reminds us not to use our human standard to measure love, especially the Father's love for each of us. This also reminds us of the importance of knowing the Father’s Heart! Otherwise, we are ignorant of our value in His eyes, let alone knowing our way back to the Father’s house, and accepting all the amazing graces that He wills for us!


Do you want to know God's compassionate Heart?

Immerse yourself in the three parables. Do you notice the difference between the Father's love and the earthly love that we know of?

Are you thirsting for and ready to receive the Father's love for you?


Heavenly Father, I have just come to realize how deep and amazing your love is for me! I feel that I was blind before. Thank you for touching my heart with yours, allowing me to get a glimpse of your great love! Let not my heart be hardened, but let me embrace your sacred heart wholeheartedly. Never permit me to be separated from you. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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