Can you imagine what it feels like to wait for your loved one in the wilderness? Have you ever imagined that from the moment you were conceived in your mother’s womb until now, the One who loves you the most has been waiting for you in the wilderness, eagerly anticipating your appearance, and cherishing every moment spent with you?
The waiting in the wilderness signifies the Heavenly Father’s thirst for us! A deep desire for us to “return home to Him” like the Prodigal Son, to re-embrace Him as our Father, to acknowledge that we are His beloved child, and to receive the love that He so desires to pour out upon us!
This love is unconditional, because our Heavenly Father knows that we cannot repay His love the same way He has loved us. So, He does not have high expectations of our love for Him, but only hopes that we have a desire for Him as well. It can be said that our longing for our Heavenly Father is enough to quench His thirst for us!
Waiting in the wilderness not only shows the thirst of our Heavenly Father for us, but also His thirst for our active and enthusiastic response to His love for all mankind.
Our Heavenly Father hopes that we can cooperate with Him to become the “conduit of His love” to the world through the offering of our “five loaves and two fishes,” so that His lavish and everlasting love could be poured upon all mankind whom He loves.
Therefore, if we still stubbornly resist our Heavenly Father’s love by holding tight on our perceptions or even making up excuses, we are ignoring this thirst of our Heavenly Father and mercilessly making Him wait endlessly in the wilderness! Our thoughts like “I am not good enough, so God will not use me!” or “I am too old, the time for God to use me has already passed,” pierce the heart of the Father like a sword because we do not understand His heart and intentions, cruelly denying His humble desire.
Let us not be mistaken that our purpose of existence is to quench the thirst of our Heavenly Father or to merely become His tools.
Through the mission He entrusted to us, our Heavenly Father desires to lead us into His inner room, allowing us to better understand His will.
This process helps us understand ourselves better, acknowledge our true identity and self worth more clearly, and reconcile with our brothers and sisters, enabling us to sanctify ourselves and help more brothers and sisters return to the Father.
Each of us has hurt our Havenly Father to various extents, and we are all like the younger son in the “Parable of the Prodigal Son.”
It is not easy to face the Father whom we have hurt, and it requires even greater courage to face the hurts we have inflicted on our Father in the past. Here, we need to learn from the younger son!
On this day of action, let us also take the initiative to care for our brothers and sisters who are spiritually bound in different ways, so that, through our love and care, they will courageously respond to the Father’s invitation of love.
Today’s Prayer
Abba Father, thank You for helping me untie some knots in my heart today, so that I can truly feel Your loving intentions towards me, and the pains You have been suffering waiting for me. Please deliver me from all my bondages, so that I may return to Your embrace freely and joyfully. May I become a wounded healer to bring others back to Your love!
The Collection of The “5L2F moment” Acts of Love
Fountain of Love and Life intends to collect the acts of love from the Farmers of Hearts all over the world and offer them as spiritual bouquets to our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us on the Cross.
We encourage you to respond to our invitation and share with us the fruits of your “5L2F Moments” acts of love. We will offer all the fruits of the charitable acts collected in this Lent to our Heavenly Father in the solemn mass of Easter, in return for the grace of our Lord Jesus who sacrificed His life to redeem us! Please visit and share with us your “5L2F Moments” acts of love.
On every Sunday during this Lent, we will post on our social media selected sharing from those who consented to have them published, so that these testimonies of how God touches us will continue to inspire and encourage others and multiply the impact of these “Five-Loaves-And-Two-Fishes Moments”. Thanks again for your sharing! God bless!
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