Day 12 – An Ungrateful Heart
Jesus said, "Ten were cleansed, were they not? Where are the other nine?"
God has never stopped providing for us and giving us every single gift in our lives. He is the source of all the goodness of the world that we can find. To give is His nature and it gives Him great pleasure that we receive His gifts. They are freely given to us without price. The only way we can "repay" Him is to be grateful to Him, and to remain in Him so that He can continue to provide for us. He is such a GIVER! And to be grateful to Him and to remain in Him is the best way we can "return" His love.

Unfortunately, we are forgetful and we are ungrateful. We only take delight on the gifts and we forget about the Giver!
Focussing on the gift and not the Giver is a sign of immaturity in our relationship with God.
When we enclose ourselves in our greediness and ingratitude, we wander in our distant country.

How did you relate to God, the unconditional GIVER?
Have you privatized the gifts God has freely given and entrusted to you, or do you see yourself as a steward of those gifts?

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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Very often, we treat what we have as our possessions, be it wealth, social status… So when one day we lose them, we become devastated. But when we realise that it is God who gives us everything and we are simply stewards, we will not hesitate to share what we have with others and we will not be distressed when we no longer have them. Oh, Lord, please help me to be more grateful and return your love by being more generous in sharing with others!
Often we see the ingratitude of others but forget the ingratitude of ourselves to God for all the things He has given to us.
Often I see the ingratitude of others. But I forgot the ingratitude of myself to Jesus and to thank Him for all the time He is protecting us from harm and all evils.