Day 19 – Hooked and Cuffed
No one is more eager than Satan to "accompany" us along the way, to discourage us, play tricks on us, and persuade us to go the Devil's way, rather than God's way.
We might not be aware of it, but the hostile and desolate state of our distant country has conditioned us in ways that make it hard for us to reverse course.

We are like the Gerasene demoniac in Luke 8:26-39, possessed by evil spirits through our many addictions and possessions. Unknowingly, we are also wandering in deserted places without a home, naked, and unashamed of our self-indulgent life of dissipation. Such a lifestyle is like a body without a heart, skeleton without flesh.
Just as Jesus told the possessed man, He is also telling us, "Return home and recount what God has done for you." The man went off and proclaimed throughout the whole town what Jesus had done for him.

Are you determined to get rid of them? To whom are you turning to for help, Jesus, or yourself?
What messages does the Holy Spirit want to convey to you through the story of the possessed man in the Gospel?

I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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Satan’s tricks come in many unexpected forms and more often than not, I was not aware of my addictions when I was already hooked and enslaved. When I finally noticed the damage done, it took much determination in overcoming hurdles on the recourse. Without God’s grace, it would be impossible for me to journey back Home. I believe our Heavenly Father is almighty if only I am willing to surrender myself before Him and to act according to His Will, not mine.
The addictions in my life, I determine to get rid of them through the help of Jesus and let the Holy Spirit to guide me to the right path.